The Revelation Pets Blog

Keeping Pets Safe on New Year's Eve: Insights for Pet Boarding Businesses

Written by Team RP | 12/20/23 6:17 PM

New Year's Eve is a time of celebration for many, but for pets, it can be a night of stress and anxiety due to loud noises from fireworks and parties. As a pet boarding business, you have a unique opportunity to provide a safe haven for pets during this festive season. Here are some strategies to ensure the pets in your care remain calm and secure as the New Year rings in.

1. Create a Calm Environment

Strategy: Prepare a peaceful setting within your facility.

Make sure that the boarding area is as soundproof as possible to muffle the noise of fireworks. Consider calming music or using white noise machines to create a serene atmosphere. Ensure each pet has a comfortable and secure space, with familiar bedding if provided by the owner, to help them feel at ease.

2. Provide Adequate Staffing

Preparation: Ensure enough staff members are on duty.

New Year's Eve can be unpredictable, and sufficient staff is crucial. They can monitor pets more closely, provide comfort, and manage any emergencies that may arise.

3. Maintain Routine

Tip: Keep to the pets' normal routine as much as possible.

Sticking to a familiar routine can help reduce stress for pets even in a boarding environment. Try to keep feeding, play, and rest times consistent with what they're used to at home.

4. Offer Comforting Activities

Service: Engage pets in soothing activities.

Organize gentle play sessions or provide toys that can help distract and calm the pets. Activities that stimulate their minds, like puzzle feeders, can also be beneficial in diverting their attention from the noise.

5. Stay Vigilant for Anxiety Signs

Responsibility: Train staff to recognize and respond to signs of stress.

Ensure your team is well-trained to spot signs of anxiety in pets, such as pacing, whining, or hiding. Knowing how to respond appropriately, whether through extra comfort, a quiet space, or contacting a veterinarian.

6. Communicate with Pet Parents

Service: Keep pet parents informed and reassured.

Offering updates to pet owners can provide peace of mind. Consider sending photos or short messages updating them on how their pet is doing, especially as midnight approaches.

7. Emergency Preparedness

Preparation: Have an emergency plan in place.

Be prepared for any emergencies, including having contact information for the nearest veterinary emergency clinic and a first-aid kit readily available. Ensure all staff members are familiar with emergency procedures.

8. Post-New Year's Eve Care

Service: Provide extra care and attention on New Year's Day.

After the festivities, some pets may need additional comfort and reassurance. Plan for a quiet day following New Year's Eve to allow pets to recover and relax.

New Year's Eve can be challenging for pets, but with proper preparation and care, pet boarding businesses can ensure their furry guests have a safe and peaceful start to the New Year. By creating a calm environment, maintaining routine, and staying prepared for emergencies, you can make a significant difference in the well-being of the pets entrusted to your care.

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