The Revelation Pets Blog

Quiz: Do I Need Integrated Payments?

Written by Team RP | 7/16/21 7:32 PM

What's Integrated Payment Processing?

Integrated payment processing allows you to accept credit card payments online and on-site, eliminating payment errors and saving precious staff time. Your income gets a boost, your payroll costs go down, and your staff gets their hard-earned tips and commissions right through Revelation Pets.

Why Integrated Payment Processing?

  • Let customers store credit cards on file for fast checkout.

  • Provide a seamless checkout experience by processing transactions that automatically funnel into Revelation Pets.

  • Accept contactless payments to keep your employees and customers safe. Did you know 79% of customers prefer contactless payment options?

  • Protect business and customer information with advanced security features.

  • International support for our UK customers with lower rates and a three-day payout.

Need integrated payment processing? Take this quiz to find out!